I thought of a pen cap walking away
I thought of lying between tenements
I thought of a chartreuse anxiety
I thought of gila monster hammocks
I thought of heliotrope ocelots
More like I wonder in threes
More like the summer bum's grenade fantasies
More like a coral drum machine
I wonder if you knew more of eyeball seas
More like a violet warthog's one-second memory
I wonder if you knew more of velvet wildebeest streets
I wonder if you knew more of more yet
I thought of Bruce holding books in the hallway on his knees
I thought of Bruce diving under oil refineries
I thought of Bruce's casual affair with glee
More like a bathtub in the kitchen
More like letting loose our kitties in heat
More like a foreheadia explosion in joyride exposition
I wonder if you knew more of cadmium
I wonder if you knew more of petticoats
I wonder if you knew more of brakelight portals into
the starry grab I borrow
I thought of nothing returning in a long blue coat
I thought of wheeling my things from door to slimy door
More like a more like in the moor lay
More like an ash cascade taking apart the telephone



                              —for Marshawn Lynch & John Yau

Do you really believe stability is stable
Imitating copied weight by copping a plea

I'm just here so I don't get fined
We did do a good job of executing

Imitating copied weight by copping a plea
I'm completely out of curvaceous toucan

We did do a good job of executing
I never noticed your nonchalant decay

I'm completely out of curvaceous toucan
Prone to milking figs & bilking fig newtons

I never noticed your nonchalant decay
But I was born sliding out of the plane

Prone to milking figs & bilking fig newtons
Photographs copy me too personally in nature

But I was born sliding out of the plane
Chilling like a villain on a Grecian urn

Photographs copy me too personally in nature
Do you really believe stability is stable

Chilling like a villain on a Grecian urn
I'm just here so I don't get fined